Tuesday 26 June 2012

#6 TravelDiary - Visele devin realitate... Dreams come true...

[RO] Paris…in sfirsit am ajuns si eu aici…23 iunie 2012 am luat autobusul din Amsterdam spre Paris. Dupa aproximativ 8 ore de mers, iata ca am ajuns in Paris…principala destinatie din visele mele. Cind eram mica, poate inca nici nu stiam unde se afla pe harta acest oras, ziceam ca atunci cind o sa cresc o sa merg in Franta sa vizitez Parisul. Nu stiam prea multe despre el, insa visul sa merg acolo crestea odata cu mine. Pentru inceput intr-adevar era doar un vis, uneori nici nu credeam ca o sa ajung acolo vreodata. Poate nu e cel mai frumos loc din lume, insa pentru mine era ceva special. La inceput nici eu nu stiam de ce anume Paris, intii de toate a fost un vis copilaresc, o dorinta fireasca sa visezi sa mergi intr-o tara straina, mai apoi am inceput sa citesc cit mai mult despre el, si sa inteleg sa intr-adevar e un oras care merita sa fie vizitat. Parisul era asa cum mi-l imaginam, strazi luminoase, vint usor si o ploaie marunta... Am ramas placut impresionata de acest oras, e pur si simplu formidabil… Auzisem pareri despre Paris ca e un oras urit si murdar, eu desigur nu am vrut sa cred acest lucru, si continuam sa imi doresc din ce in ce mai mult sa merg acolo. Acum, dupa ce am fost acolo, as vrea sa-i contrazic pe cei ce afirmau asta, pentru ca nu e deloc asa.
Am stat in Paris 2 zile, aveam un plan bine pus la punct unde sa merg si ce sa vizitez… Am reusit sa vad tot ce planuisem, ploaia de duminica dupa amiaza mi-a schimbat un pic planurile…in schimb am avut parte de o ploaie marunta si linistita, chiar mi-a placut sa ma plimb prin ploaie. Turnul Eiffel… e extraordinar, as fi vrut sa-l iau in palme si sa-i zic ‘’Atit am visat sa te vad de aproape’’… Insa noaptea e si mai frumos, luminile iti incinta privirea…
Mi-a facut o deosebita placere sa ma plimb prin ‘’Jardin du Luxembourg’’, un parc foarte linistit si placut, cel mai mult mi-a placut cum oamenii asezati pe iarba savurau cite un pahar de vin, sampanie etc., copii alergau fericiti si se jucau, simteam o atmosfera familiala, fara griji si graba, iar atunci chiar simteam ca si timpul trece mai greu…
Altceva ce m-a impresionat mult a fost podul Alexandr III, un pod ce uneste bulevardul Champs-Elysees si Domul Invalizilor, are o lungime de 107,5 m, latimea de 40 m si inaltimea de 6 m. Podul e decorat cu felinare, ingeri si nimfe, iar la capetele podului sunt statui poleite cu aur asezate pe piloni de 17 m inaltime. De aici ai o panorama larga a Parisului: Sena, Turnul Eiffel, Champs-Elysees, Domul Invalizilor…
Acum, cind visul s-a implinit, tot ce-mi mai doresc e sa mai revin cindva aici…

[EN] Paris...finally I'm here... 2012, June, 23rd I took the bus from Amsterdam to Paris. After approximately eight hours I was in Paris...the main destination of my dreams. When I was child, probably even I didn't know where on the map is this city, I told myself that when I will grow up I will go to France to visit Paris. I didn't know too much about it at that time, however the desire to go over there was growing together with me. At the beginning it was just a dream, sometimes I didn't believe that I will be there one day. Maybe it is not the most wonderful place in the world, but for me Paris is something special. I can't explain why Paris, first of all it was my dream, a desire to go abroad, later I started to read more and more about Paris, and I understood that it is a city that really must be seen. Paris was like I imagined it, wonderful streets, light wind and raining... I was impressed, it is amazing place... I have heard that Paris is a dirty city, of course, I didn't want to believe in it and kept dreaming to visit it. Now, after visiting it, I would like to disagree that Paris is a dirty city, because it isn't. 

I stayed there two days, I had a well planned schedule where to go and what to visit... I visited everything I planned, the rain on Sunday in the afternoon changed a little bit my plans...but I had the opportunity to walk in the rain... The Eiffel Tour...it is wonderful, I wanted to take it on my hand and to tell it "I dreamed to see you so close"... In the night, when the light are turned on, it is even more wonderful...
It was very exciting to walk in the "Jardin du Luxembourg", a quite and nice park. The most I liked how people relax there with wine or champagne, how children play happily, a familiar atmosphere, without hurry and worries.
Another thing that impressed me was the Alexandr III bridge, it links the Champs-Élysées boulevard and "Le Invalides", it has  the length of 107,5 meters, the weight of 40 meters and the height of 6 meters. The bridge is decorated with lanterns, angels and nymphs and at each end of the bridge there are gilded statues  which are placed on pylons of 17 meters height. From here you have a large view on Sena river, Eiffel Tour, Champs-Elysees boulevard and Les Invalides...
Now, when my dream came true, all I want is to return here one day...

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